
Flocking process in rubber products

Flocking is the process of directly applying polyester fibers in the desired size, composition and color; on a base previously covered (totally or partially) with adhesive, to achieve a smooth, uniform and velvety texture that allows friction without resistance.

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Sustainability in the Elastomeric Seals Industry

The friction that the seals suffer over time generates heat and accelerates wear, which can lead to damage and even catastrophic situations that can only be avoided by means of adequate and rigorous routine maintenance.

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A value-added rubber product

Our extensive experience in the sectors of Transportation, Construction, Industry and Infrastructure and our national and international recognition have been the result of the trust that we have been sealing not only with our customers but also with our valuable human capital that make possible an adequate value chain to deliver a product with support and quality.

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Polímero Termoplástico

Polímero Termoplástico

Polímero Termoplástico

Caucho Sintético

Caucho Sintético

Caucho Sintético

Polímero Sintético

Caucho Sintético