Sponge rubber

Also known as cellular or expanded rubber, it refers to a rubber base that has been transformed with a foaming agent in order to create an air-filled matrix structure.

In addition to the solid rubbers whose scale of value is in hardness (shore A greater than 50) and whose use or application is more focused on holding and sealing the union between fixed materials, the scale of value of the spongy rubbers is in density (shore A equal to 40) and its use or application is more focused on sealing the union between removable materials such as covers, doors, panels, etc.

Sponge rubber was produced for the first time in 1929 using isocyanate-based whipped latex, currently most foams are manufactured from polyurethane and its main physical properties are generalized to lightness, buoyancy, cushioning performance, thermal and acoustic insulation; for example, microporous rubber is that with a low density with high sealing capacity resistant to sunlight, ozone and inclement weather.

Extrusiones S.A., by manufacturing sponge rubber from elastomers based on synthetic rubber with added sponge agents, achieves a hermetic product that fully complies with sealing characteristics.

Sponge rubber has the advantage that it can be used for practically all types of areas such as seals for all types of insulation, water, air, dust, oil, grease, etc., and it is also a material that is really suitable for acoustic and vibration insulation; another of its great advantages is that it can be manufactured in different densities in order to adapt to the specific needs of each application, making it a versatile and unique material.

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